All along the Derwent Valley where I live are huge patches of wild comfrey, perfect for the picking. It's nutrient and mineral rich leaves intake their properties from the plants deep taproot. When harvesting comfrey to make ointment I wear gloves as it's furry leaves can prickle your hands and irritate. Once home and washed and dried I infuse my oil with the nutrient dense green of the comfrey leaves.
Traditionally comfrey, otherwise known as 'knit bone' was use in situ as a poultice, a compress made out of the leaves themselves to heal bones, sprains and aching. It is still used in this way on horses! A testament to it's effectiveness.
Grow to Glow Comfrey Ointment brings all of the plants healing properties into a pot, free of all preservatives this completely natural product is super easy to use and a great addition to a  first aid box. It's a great place to introduce plant uses into your everyday life, bringing together a natural first aid box.
I'll be out along the river next week collecting wild comfrey for ointment, it's fresh cucumber scent and vibrant colour bundled up and taken to the kitchen,  I can't wait!


  1. What a great blog Pia, fascinating xx :-)

  2. Thank you Carol! Stay tuned for more plant powered writing! x
