I had a small operation last May. Being me, I ate salads of plantain leaf and big juicy dandelion leaves as part of my healing strategy, I was actually craving them, looking at them in the garden like one would a ripe tomato or juicy strawberry. It must have been what my body needed!  'My name is Pia and I eat weeds', confessions aside...

I also made myself a 'super charged' ointment. I went with my instincts and used plants I felt would truly help me to heal. I used, as ever, high quality local beeswax and absorbent vitamin E rich cold pressed almond oil. I decided upon three plants dedicated to swift healing, healthy cell growth and reduction of scar tissue.

Ribwort Plantain  
Anti inflammatory, antibacterial, antitoxic and astringent. Like Comfrey, ribwort plantain contains allentoin and so aids healthy cell production, speeding up the healing of wounds. Once called 'white man's footprint' by Native Americans as it came to America on muddy boots it's value soon rose to the name ,'healing herb'. So much to say about this plant. Each plant here will get it's own blog. In to the pot it went!

You know how much we love Comfrey! Revered for healing by the ancients and the modern world alike. Comfrey's powerful allantoin content really does aid healing and it's nickname, 'knitbone' is well deserved. Comfrey reduces inflamation, swelling and bruising. I knew this herb could help my skin regain health and flexibility.

Antiseptic and anti inflammatory, reduces itching and swelling and is promoted for it's use in reducing scarring! The essential oil is amazing but also can sting and as we're all about fresh picked plant remedies, I picked a good bunch to gently infuse into the oil, giving over a subtle, relaxing scent.

As it was just for personal use I went for it and made my ointment just for me which was a first! I applied to my 'wounded' areas liberally twice a day and there have been great results, the colour of the scar tissue became faded and pale, the skin softer and more supple. It's worked for me, I wondered if it could help others too. We now have a Grow to Glow trial group with a range of scarring from big operations to simple cuts and scrapes and even have some trialling it out on their stretch marks after pregnancy. Hopefully these plants will continue to work wonders for others and if so this special ointment will be available for everyone. Here are some words of encouragement from trial participants so far:-

''It arrived -  feels fabulous! :)''

''So far, excellent results. The speed of improvement is notable, especially for such large scars which I had been told to expect to stay as they were for my lifetime.''
''I am trialling gorgeous natural anti scar cream - wonderful stuff! ''
We have a SALE of our Comfrey Ointment on currently, and also have Lemon Balm Lip Balm and Bite and Sting Balm at a trial price of £2 in exchange for feedback - please just contact us if you'd like to be involved.

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