Beautiful beads of water sit like jewels on the leave's soft surface after the dew has dried, the water was collected for the preparations of Arabian alchemists, ancestors of the chemists. This 'dew' has since been identified as vascular secretions from the plant itself
As a herb for women, ladies mantle is the best friend of your breasts! Sore, achy breasts before menstruation and during and after pregnancy are soothed and smoothed by ladies mantle. Rich in flavonoids, chiefly quercetin and tannins making it astringent, a circulatory booster and so firming, toning and tightening, ladies mantle is the key ingredient in Grow to Glow's Boob Cream which will be available to buy this year.
Flagging, could seem an odd description for breasts, but it's all there in the herbals!
Hill wrote in 1740,
“The good women in the North of England apply the leaves to their breasts to make them recover their form after they have been swelled with milk.”
Elizabeth Blackwell in 1751
"The leaves applyed outwardly are accounted good for lank flagging breasts"
Ladies mantle is not just for women's ails
Culpeper says of it 'Lady's Mantle is very proper for inflamed wounds and to stay bleeding, vomitings, fluxes of all sorts, bruises by falls and ruptures. It is on the most singular wound herbs and therefore prized and praised, used in all wounds inward and outward, to drink a decoction and wash the wounds thereof, or dip a cloth wet with the herb into the wound which wonderfully drieth up all humidity of the sores and abateth all inflammations thereof. It quickly healeth green wounds, not suffering any corruption to remain behind and cureth old sores, though fistulas and hollow'.
Alchemilla Vulgaris is used in healing internally and topically and can be drank as a tea, taken as a tincture or applied as a cream or ointment, best friend of women, definitely a keeper in the Grow to Glow herb garden.
Another informative, enjoyable post.