The landscape has set seed. Summer has burst into a tangle of woody stalks, seed pods and ripening fruit. The tapestry is on the brink of shifting to flame red hues and russety browns, but not quite. The fullness of the end of summer and the fruits of autumn's beginning are both here today. Stepping out this rainy weekend I have been marveling at all that is of now in the landscape.
The seed formations can be so beautiful, I wanted to capture the exquisite water droplets on the towering dock stalks. The Cleavers has gone to seed, we collect them for the fresh tops to use in creams, does anyone use the seed for anything? I was told they can be used as a coffee substitute, I'm yet to be convinced. Cleavers tea is said to be good for lymphatic drainage but we always collect the fresh young greens for this purpose. The Rowan's are out! Parasorbic acid means Rowan pomes are not so good raw but once frozen or heated they are ready to process and a powerhouse of antioxidants, which means they are food for your skin. I love mixing the rowans with crab apple to make jelly..mmmmm.
The blackberries, apples and elder berries are making their first ripe offerings in the north but my head has been turned by the beautiful hawthorn. I will be making a tincture from the haws. Hawthorn is one of the best heart tonics so a good plant to make a tincture from. I was given the idea of first making a tincture from the budding tips and leaves and then making a second tincture using that tincture as the base using the berries, this year I'm doing just that, it feels lovely to capture the medicinal value of the tree through two seasons in one bottle.
Posy and I will be making the most of the last of some of our favorite greens before Autumn is in full swing, there is plenty of vibrant green in the landscape at this time. I've just picked this fresh nettle top from a patch of seeded ones to enjoy in an iron rich cuppa. Have a great week everyone.
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